milenko’s OHO works

  • objects

    “i started my work in creating more traditional artistic objects - sculptures, paintings - that led me to ask if it is possible to highlight nature and diminish the importance of my intervention”

  • happenings

    “i became interested in pushing art into unexpected territories, always involving the participants in the creation.”

  • installations

    “My best projects in nature always started with a lengthy observation. I always tried to understand the space, its qualities, and patterns, how the light moves, where the water gathers, how people use it, and only then would I start thinking about my intervention. I had to confront my instinct to use the setting to feature MY work. It led to some of my best early work. I highlighted what was already there.”

 “In my teens, I rebelled. somewhere I knew this was not the way forward. Fortunately, I met a group of like-minded artists, and they helped me focus my rebellion into making art.

We found our muse in the natural world and took our projects into forests and fields and river beds. And we used city parks as ready-made spaces for temporary installations and happenings.”
